What is Affinitee?
Affinitee is a peer to peer networking and mentoring platform for underrepresented professionals. It’s a safe place to connect with your peers and get help to advance your career.  We also help companies with their diversity, equality and inclusion initiatives.

What do you mean by underrepresented professionals?
An underrepresented group may vary by discipline or industry. This could mean an ethnic minority such as American Indian, Black, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, or other ethnic group underrepresented in an industry. It can also mean underrepresentation by age, disability, gender, sexual orientation or veteran status.

How do I use Affinitee?
Affinitee is a great way to connect with your peers in your industry or find out about a role or industry you’re interested in. You can join a group and participate in a discussion or you can create your own group.  We also encourage you to post and write your own content or ask your peers for help. We also offer a mentor matching service.  Check it out here. We also encourage our Affinitee members to give back and sign up to be a mentor themselves.  Here’s where you can get more information about becoming an Affinitee mentor.

What kind of content should I post?
If you find it interesting, chances are others will too!  It can be an article you wrote or found helpful. You can pose a question to the community or you can ask for advice!

How should I get in touch with questions, feedback and suggestions?
We’d love to hear from you! Please email info@theaffinitee.com with any questions, comments or suggestions.

Affinitee Groups

What are Affinitee Groups?
Affinitee groups are a way for professionals to organize, discuss specific topics and share knowledge. Affinitee users can join existing groups or start their own!

I’d like to create my own group.  How do I do this?
First, make sure you register for the Affinitee Community. Then select “Create Group” here.

Affinitee Discussion and Group Guidelines

  1. Be kind and respectful. Affinitee is meant to be a safe space for professionals to connect and support each other. Hate speech or bullying will not be tolerated.
  2. We encourage Affinitee members to share their knowledge, expertise and advice with their peers.  We love user-generated content! However, we ask that members refrain from cold pitching their goods/services to other members.
  3. We reserve the right to revoke membership to the community.
  4. As we continue to grow and expand, our guidelines may change.

Terms and Conditions
You can read Affinitee’s full terms and conditions here.

Privacy Policy
You can read Affinitee’s privacy policy here.

©2024 Affinitee, LLC All Rights Reserved. 


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